So Hubs and I managed to do our usual weekend rounds, though there was much disappointment. Out of the 8 thrifts we visited, only one yielded any finds at all. Oddly, I started finding Pyrex again, after a dry spell of several months. I have no idea where it all went. Unfortunately, it was nothing I could use.
I'm also starting to find the British Pyrex (it has a name, but I've forgotten it.) Was it imported here? Seems kind of strange to have it keep showing up--often enough that I can recognize it without looking at the bottom.
What I'm not finding is Corelle. No, I haven't started collecting it. I just need one microwaveable plate to keep at the office and since Corelle is hard-to-break to boot, that's what I looked for. Naturally, since I want it there is none to be found.
Well, no. There is some to be found. I got a few plates a couple of months ago for the princely sum of 48 cents each. You can imagine my surprise when I picked up a Butterfly Gold plate yesterday and saw it marked three bucks.
Three bucks? Really? For one plate? Another instance where I want to go in the back and start smacking heads.
Anyway, that's my rant for the week. Here's what I found:
1. Another cookbook??? Yes, but look--it's no ordinary cookbook. The recipes are magic.
Do you know what that means? I think it means you can put turnips and cabbage in the Osterizer and pull out a steak. I haven't actually read the book yet, so that's just a guess on my part, but you have to admit that would certainly qualify as "magic", no? Savers, $1.00
2. Seriously?? I bought another Betty Crocker cookbook? You bet yer buns I did! Because I need "a wealth of ideas for today's entertaining", not to mention "more than 400 guest-tested recipes." I mean, who doesn't?
Plus, look at that house on the cover! I would kill for a house like that. And if I had one, you can be sure I would be entertaining. A lot. Savers, $1.00.
It was half-price book day at Savers, btw.
And that's it. I'm wracking my brain for some interesting little story to share, but I got nothin'. So I'll just go ahead and link up with the Usual Suspects: Sir Thrift A Lot, Thrifter/Maker/Fixer/Farm, We Call It Junkin and The Nifty Thrifty