Monday, June 3, 2013

Thrifting Finds #11: Thwarted!

Well, almost thwarted.

Hubs had a work thing he had to do on Saturday and I went along with him.  This meant that we couldn't hit two of our usual Saturday stops (and the third yielded nothing at all.)  We planned errands, etc. for the rest of Saturday so that we could make our usual rounds on Sunday.

Well.  We pulled into the parking lot of Sunday Goodwill #1 and noted that it was not nearly as crowded as usual.  Turns out they were closed for their annual employee picnic.

Dang.  Once we were reminded of this fact, we remembered seeing the sign in the store last week.  Both hubs and I thought this was the only store we saw the sign in, so we headed to Sunday Goodwill #2.  Nope, they were closed, too.  Thwarted!

Luckily, the new Savers was close by so we popped in there and I made a single purchase.  We decided against trying Sunday Goodwill #3, as we were pretty sure they were going to be closed as well.

We did head out to The Goodwill Where We Don't Usually Get Anything because we had stuff to do out that way anyway, and hubs and I each picked up a couple of items.  I don't know why they weren't closed.  Maybe the employee picnic was regional?  Dunno.

Anyway, here's what I got:

1. Fire King!  I'm not much of a Fire King person, but I do like the Candleglow pattern and had been planning on picking up a couple of pieces (round cake pans and custard cups, maybe.)  I was so disappointed that we weren't going to make our usual rounds that I kind of grabbed this casserole in desperation.  It's filthy (even after a trip through the dishwasher) and the pattern is a little faded, but I still like it.  This was from the Savers we went to.  $2.99

2.  Tupperware!  Yeah, I didn't think I was going to find any at all this week.  I needed something to keep rice in (other than the pickle jar I had been using) so these two canisters looked like they would fill the bill.  I got both because I wasn't sure which would fit in my cabinet better.  The top one has a label on it.  Does anyone know if these canisters came with pre-printed labels?  Or was this something added after the fact?  Goodwill $1.28 (huh??) each.

Oh, and note to the couple in front of me in line:  When you are buying two full carts of stuff at the Goodwill and part of that stuff is half-used bottles of nail polish, you are buying too much shit.  Take it down a notch.

Hopefully, next week will be better; we seem to be in the middle of a slow period here.  A couple of the Goodwills we go to look like they just cleared out all their stuff and restocked with about 1/3 of what they usually have.

Linking up with Sir Thrift A LotThe Nifty Thrifty, Apron Thrift Girl and The Remnant


  1. I hate it when you get all excited to thrift and then are shot down! Hopefully next week you get to hit all your spots.
    Great finds!
    And hahaha! to the couple in front of you! People buy the weirdest crap!

    1. Thanks! I need a week where I can find some really cool stuff.

      Yeah, that couple in front of us. I don't know whether they have a store or just really bad taste--you should have seen some of the stuff they were buying!

  2. Those Tupperware labels came with the set...they were already printed with common items. They were really handy!

    1. I suspected that but wasn't sure. Thanks for confirming!

  3. I think the label might have come afterwards, or after buying so much product they would throw the labels in. Does the top one match your orange one from the other week? Love the bottom canister.

    1. Actually, the top one doesn't match anything. I have three more yellow canisters I got a few weeks ago, but the color is somewhat different, and the design is completely different.
      The one on the bottom has the "real" Tupperware seal and is actually beige, though it looks grey in the picture.

  4. It's crazy what some people will buy from the thrift stores because you have to wonder if A)they are buying the crap for themselves or B) they are buying it to resell which in this case WHO IS GOING TO BUY USED NAIL POLISH?

    Love the Tupperware! I always find great vintage colored pieces but no lids.


    1. Heaven knows I've resold my share of stuff from thrift stores, but it's always been stuff that was worth reselling--Herman Miller clock, Singer Featherweights, etc. What that couple had was true, out-and-out crap. And even if they weren't going to resell the stuff, WHY WOULD YOU BUY USED NAIL POLISH???
      As for the Tupperware, it seems like I generally find the earth-tone stuff from the '70s, and the occasional "frost white" or whatever they call it. Pastels? Never!

  5. Great find with the Fire King. I hate it when I' m ready to shop and there not open. Nice to know they do something nice for their employees though.

    1. Actually, hubs and I are such good customers that I'm surprised we weren't invited ;)
