Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend thrift finds!

Wowsers.  Saturday (two Goodwills and the Rescue Mission thrift) yielded nothing at all, and I was a bit disappointed.  On the other hand, I do have this potential for being a hoarder, so I decided it was a good thing that neither Hubs nor I found anything.  On a positive note, I returned my equipment to the cable company and it took less that 15 minutes, so I'm happy about that.

Then we made our Sunday rounds, and things started picking up.  Hubs is getting really good at spotting cool stuff from across the store, which is paying off well for both of us!  I'm only going to show what I bought, but Hubs got a number of small colored glass pitchers, an enormous amber glass bottle, a smaller blue-green bottle, and I forget whatall else.  Here's my haul:

Stuff too mundane to take a picture of!  I got a couple of paperback books not for reading, but to prop up the head of the bed.  Supposed to help with reflux. I also picked up one of those button attaching gadgets so you don't have to sew on buttons.  That was .99 at Savers.

Gravy boat!  I've been looking for a gravy boat that can go in the microwave.  Unfortunately, 99% of the ones I've seen have a gold or platinum band.  This is (unmarked) melamine in a lovely aqua and white spatter pattern.  We used it last night.  I can't remember what I paid.  Maybe $1.00

Tupperware!  Tupperware sightings have been few around here, so I was really glad to find this set of canisters.  I've been wanting something to keep coffee, brown sugar, and my cereal at work in, and managed to cover all three bases with this one purchase.  They look green, but they're really yellow (I need to stop using the camera in my phone.)  The big one had some grime on the outside that resisted scrubbing and dishwashering, but it succumbed to the mighty Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.  There's still a funky smell inside the big one  and what looks like some residue.  It's soaking in a baking soda solution right now and I think I might scrub it out with some Dip-it as well.  $5.00

Blue bottle!  This is one of the treasures that my wonderful husband found.  If I didn't want it, he was going to keep it for himself, but the color is right up my alley.  I'd say it's a good 18" tall.  It's currently on top of my bureau and it looks great.  There's a small chip on the neck, but it's not noticeable.  I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact bottle (in amber) in an old Montgomery Ward Christmas catalog.  Again, apologies for the crappy pic.  $4.00

Lamps!  These babies were nothing short of a miracle.  I'm always on the lookout for cool lamps, but most of what I find in the thrifts are just downright ugly.  On the off chance that I do find a cool one, it's always a single and I'm always looking for pairs (I like matchy-matchy: sue me.)  Wellsir, we popped into the "Disappointing Goodwill" where we never find anything, and it was here that I managed to snag these lamps and that gravy boat.  This is also where hubby got the gigantic glass bottle.  So you never know.  But aren't they great?  These will go on our nightstands.  And now here's the best part--they were $14.00.  For the pair.

I know!

They need shades, obviously, and I kind of dread doing that because picking lampshades is not a talent I have.  Isn't there some formula for determining the size?  Like "twice as wide and half as high" or something?  Can anyone help?  They're sort of beigey and off white and I put a plain white shade on to see what it looked like, and it looked too white.  So maybe a tan shade?


Linking up to all the creamy goodness at Sir Thrift A Lot


  1. Extremely jealous of the great finds. Although as I have hoarding tendencies as well, better you than I.

    1. I am doing my best to curb my unfortunate tendencies. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep it up.

  2. I carry my lamps into Lowe's and try them on IN THE STORE! HA! Those were a great find!

    1. That's what I plan on doing! And then I'll grab some woman walking by and say "Does this look okay??"

  3. Love the gravy bowl and the lamps I would say you have some great finds.

    1. Yeah, we were really pleased. I can't wait to get those lamps in service!

  4. Those lamps are amazing. I hope you don't have too hard of a time finding shades worthy of them!


    1. Me, too! You wouldn't want to drop by and help, would you> ;)

  5. That blue bottle is fab-they go for about $12-20 here but never see them at thrift stores. The gravy boat is groovy!

    1. I complain a lot about how the GWs around here do their pricing; $2.00 for a candy dish from the Dollar Store? Really? But I think this bottle was a total steal for four bucks!

  6. Love the Gravy boat! I wish I could figure out how to follow your blog, I cant seem to find the button anywhere. Come see me over at mine!

    1. Oh, I've been reading your blog a lot lately! I'm back to the point where you just had surgery.
      I don't think I've enabled the Follow button--I'm still new at this so please bear with me!

    2. Okay, think I've got it now. Sure hope it works!

  7. Loving the vintage tupperware. Need to try and find some myself! What a great find! I'd love it if you'd jump over and link up at my "Go Get Your Garage Sale On" Linky Party, and share some of your great finds!
