Monday, August 25, 2014

Thrifting Finds #64: Two bucks

Hi, kids!  Did everyone have a wonderful weekend?  Your ol' Uncle Veg had a nice quiet one, which is just the way he likes 'em.

So Hubs and I managed to do our usual weekend rounds, though there was much disappointment.  Out of the 8 thrifts we visited, only one yielded any finds at all.  Oddly, I  started finding Pyrex again, after a dry spell of several months.  I have no idea where it all went.  Unfortunately, it was nothing I could use.

I'm also starting to find the British Pyrex (it has a name, but I've forgotten it.)  Was it imported here?  Seems kind of strange to have it keep showing up--often enough that I can recognize it without looking at the bottom.

What I'm not finding is Corelle.  No, I haven't started collecting it.  I just need one microwaveable plate to keep at the office and since Corelle is hard-to-break to boot, that's what I looked for.  Naturally, since I want it there is none to be found.

Well, no.  There is some to be found.  I got a few plates a couple of months ago for the princely sum of 48 cents each.  You can imagine my surprise when I picked up a Butterfly Gold plate yesterday and saw it marked three bucks.

Three bucks?  Really?  For one plate?  Another instance where I want to go in the back and start smacking heads.

Anyway, that's my rant for the week.  Here's what I found:

1.  Another cookbook???  Yes, but look--it's no ordinary cookbook.  The recipes are magic.


Do you know what that means?  I think it means you can put turnips and cabbage in the Osterizer and pull out a steak.  I haven't actually read the book yet, so that's just a guess on my part, but you have to admit that would certainly qualify as "magic", no?  Savers, $1.00

2.  Seriously??  I bought another Betty Crocker cookbook?  You bet yer buns I did!  Because I need "a wealth of ideas for today's entertaining", not to mention "more than 400 guest-tested recipes."  I mean, who doesn't?
Plus, look at that house on the cover!  I would kill for a house like that.  And if I had one, you can be sure I would be entertaining.  A lot.  Savers, $1.00.

It was half-price book day at Savers, btw.

And that's it.  I'm wracking my brain for some interesting little story to share, but I got nothin'.  So I'll just go ahead and link up with the Usual Suspects:   Sir Thrift A Lot, Thrifter/Maker/Fixer/Farm,  We Call It Junkin and The Nifty Thrifty


  1. you may just get by cookbooks!

    1. I have a love/hate relationship with cookbooks. I love to read them but I hardly ever make any of the recipes. Is that weird?

  2. JAJ and Phoenix are the main Pyrex manufacturers in the UK

    1. JAJ--That's what I was thinking of. Thank you!

  3. If you had that house I'd be coming round for dinner - obviously you would be taking paying guests no?

    1. If I had that house, I'd probably be so rich that I could afford to entertain for free. 'Cause I'd be making money from the kickbacks I'd get from Betty for letting my guests do the recipe testing!

  4. At least you found something - whew!

    I'm almost afraid to tell you (in case you are serious about killing) that I live in that house's cousin. Mine has glass walls. Very MCM. Come visit whenever you're on the West Coast! (But not if you're still willing to kill for it.)

    1. What's your address, and what time do you go to bed?
      Er, um, I mean I'd LOVE to fly out for a visit some day! Whew.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks--so do I. I can't wait to actually read 'em!

  6. I love that Hostess cookbook! It is one of the first that I found that started my vintage cookbook collecting frenzy. I just bought another one at the thrift last week to give to my BFF. I am a total enabler :-)


    1. You are, because when I picked this up, I actually thought "I wonder if Erica has this?" LOL.
      I passed over the Cooking for Two cookbook because I figured I'd never use it, but now I'm starting to second-guess myself.
      So tell me--is our goal to own the BC cookbooks we like, or own ALL of them?

  7. Just discovered your are a hoot. I love to buy cookbooks but now, I feel like they are pure fiction because I read them but rarely use them to use recipes. A million years ago, when I had a family and was a domestic goddess, I learned how to cook from Fannie Farmer and would devour all types of cookbooks and COOK. I was/still am a good cook but since I just cook for myself, ease is what I want. But, cookbooks still call to me and I try to be strong, but I don't always win that battle.
    I want a MAGIC cookbook. I always tell the person taking my money is that what I really want is someone to cook for me.
    Am going to follow your blog.

    1. Well, thank you! I still haven't read my MAGIC cookbook, but it makes me happy just knowing I own it, you know?
      And maybe I should actually consider using my cookbooks, as I'm getting tired of making the same old things.

  8. I'm really getting "into" vintage cookbooks, I'm trying hard not to buy but they are just so cool! Featuring this on my History & Home features board on Pinterest this week

    1. Oh, it's a slippery slope, Dawn. I get most of mine from the Goodwill, so if I read one and it's not a "keeper", I just give it back. Thus, the Goodwill becomes my own personal lending library!

  9. I'm usually a lurker, but I had to comment because when I Betty Crocker's Hostess Cook Book on your blog, I knew that I needed a copy. I found one yesterday at an estate sale ($1.50). I promptly lost the damn thing on my way home. No idea how or where. I wonder how long it's going to take me to find another? Or perhaps the exact same copy (marked up, of course)?

    By the way, love your blog!

    1. What a bummer! (am I dating myself?) Frankly, that sounds like the kind of thing I would do. Luckily, those BC cookbooks are plentiful, so you should find another one soon.
      And thanks!
