Not that they were exciting purchases, you understand. Sometimes, all the thrifts yield are practical items, and I'm okay with that. It's not like we have a huge house, and I have those unfortunate hoarder tendencies to begin with, so I need to be careful.
Enough blathering. Here's what I got:
1. Rubbermaid Jar! Got this for the purpose of hauling my Half & Half to work. I bought a newer one but the lid doesn't snap on as tight and it leaks a little bit. Can't beat the vintage stuff! Well, it's probably from the '90s, but I think that's considered vintage now. Goodwill, $.50
2. Cocktail Shaker! I don't know anything about this, but something tells me it was originally filled with some brand of premixed cocktail. Not sure why I get that feeling, though. The top has a crown symbol on it, but I don't recognize it as being the logo for any brand of booze. Not that I'm an expert, you understand :) Anyway, I bought this not to make cocktails, but for a different project. One that I'll report on as soon as I have all the pieces. Stay tuned--it'll be exciting!* Goodwill, $1.48.
*Totally won't be exciting.
Discovery Department:
So, does anyone remember the Christmas tablecloth I got a few months back? No? Well, why would you? So here's a picture to jog your memory:
Fast-forward to yesterday when I was looking through the Sears Christmas Wish Book for 1966 and spotted this:
That's the same one, right? So apparently, my tablecloth was a Sears purchase. There was no tag, so now I know it's rayon and cotton (that'll be helpful if I ever when I iron it.) I don't know why, but I always enjoy it when I learn the provenance of things. Maybe that's why I like it when I get something with the original price sticker on it.
And that's about it for this week, kiddos. As far as I know, we should be able to cover more thrift ground next week, so hopefully I'll have something fascinating to report--maybe some Christmas Pyrex! Yeah, like that will ever happen!
P.S. The instant coffee I mentioned last week? Nope, still nasty.
Linking up this week with Sir Thrift A Lot, Hey What's For Dinner Mom?, We Call It Junkin and Vintage Bliss Tuesdays