Monday, October 20, 2014

Thrifting Finds #71: Purely Practical

Well kids, once again Hubs and I were unable to make our usual weekend rounds.  Saturday was spent doing outreach for Hubby's office, which meant all of our Saturday chores had to be pushed forward.  That left precious little time for thrifting.  Still, we managed to get to one Goodwill, and I made multiple purchases.

Not that they were exciting purchases, you understand.  Sometimes, all the thrifts yield are practical items, and I'm okay with that.  It's not like we have a huge house, and I have those unfortunate hoarder tendencies to begin with, so I need to be careful.

Enough blathering.  Here's what I got:

1.  Rubbermaid Jar!  Got this for the purpose of hauling my Half & Half to work.  I bought a newer one but the lid doesn't snap on as tight and it leaks a little bit.  Can't beat the vintage stuff!  Well, it's probably from the '90s, but I think that's considered vintage now.  Goodwill, $.50

2.  Cocktail Shaker! I don't know anything about this, but something tells me it was originally filled with some brand of premixed cocktail.  Not sure why I get that feeling, though.  The top has a crown symbol on it, but I don't recognize it as being the logo for any brand of booze.  Not that I'm an expert, you understand :)  Anyway, I bought this not to make cocktails, but for a different project.  One that I'll report on as soon as I have all the pieces.  Stay tuned--it'll be exciting!*  Goodwill, $1.48.
*Totally won't be exciting.

Discovery Department:

So, does anyone remember the Christmas tablecloth I got a few months back?  No?  Well, why would you?  So here's a picture to jog your memory:

Fast-forward to yesterday when I was looking through the Sears Christmas Wish Book for 1966 and spotted this:

That's the same one, right?  So apparently, my tablecloth was a Sears purchase.  There was no tag, so now I know it's rayon and cotton (that'll be helpful if I ever when I iron it.)  I don't know why, but I always enjoy it when I learn the provenance of things.  Maybe that's why I like it when I get something with the original price sticker on it.

And that's about it for this week, kiddos.  As far as I know, we should be able to cover more thrift ground next week, so hopefully I'll have something fascinating to report--maybe some Christmas Pyrex!  Yeah, like that  will ever happen!

P.S.  The instant coffee I mentioned last week?  Nope, still nasty.


  1. That's very cool that you located the original source of the tablecloth! (I get excited by those things too!) Thanks for linking up at Vintage Bliss Tuesdays. Jo

    1. And it was totally by chance that I saw it. It's kind of surprising I noticed it, as I'm not generally an observant person ;)

  2. That's so cool how you found the ad for the tablecloth, what are the odds?

    1. Pretty darn slim, considering how non-observant I am!

  3. I would have to say that is pretty amazing to find the source for a mass produced item from decades ago. Wow.

    1. It's definitely a long shot, but oddly, I also found a friend's dinette set in an old Montgomery Ward Christmas Catalog! So you never know. Maybe random images burn themselves into my brain?

  4. do you often flip randomly through 1966 wish books? : ) I love finding the practical items at thrift stores, saves me so much money!

    1. I totally flip through Wish Books all the time! I have a fairly extensive collection of them; they're great fun, plus a great source of ideas for things to look for on ebay.
      Hmmm. Maybe that's not such a great idea after all!
