Monday, April 1, 2013

What I didn't buy

Afraid to say that thrifting this week was not very productive.  Hubby found a couple of interesting Martini glasses and a candlestick on Saturday, but I found nothing at all that I couldn't live without.  Sunday being Easter, we did no thrifting at all.  I hope to get back into our usual groove next weekend.

In the meantime, here are a few pictures of some things I didn't buy.  I'm betting I don't need to explain why, either.

Belleh casting kit!  All righty.  Apparently, pregnant women are now able to make a plaster cast of their pregnant selves.  To do what with?  Hang on the wall?  Serve dip?   I don't get this.  Is this a thing?  Do women actually do this?  If so, why?

Creepy lamp! This little boy clutching a doll just creeps me the you-know-what out.  I think it's the eyes.  The beady little eyes.  That haircut's not working in his favor, either.

Creepy figurine!   Imma eat dis puppeh!  Nom nom nom!  Clearly a homemade product, I'm not surprised it ended up on the shelf at Goodwill.  There was a matching girl, but she wasn't quite so creepy.  Again, I think it's the eyes (though this time they're huge and soulless.)
Also, pimp cap.

Sexy gnome!  Hey, bebeh--I got something you might want to take a look at...  Just never expected to ever combine "leering" and "lecherous" with "gnome" in the same sentence.

Hard workin' dragon!  It's a statue!  Of a dragon!  With a lawn mower!  Because that makes sense!

Hope to be back next week with some actual purchases.

Linking up with the fabulousness at Sir Thrift A Lot and The Nifty Thrifty


  1. He he...I love this post! The plaster belly cast is my fave (really?!). I don't know about that sexy gnome, though...he's kind of calling my name. ;)

    1. OMG, really? Have you done the plaster cast? Would you? I don't have a picture, but another GW had some device by which you could talk to your unborn child. Erk.

      Heather.....Heather.... Lecherous gnome is bringing the sexeh back. Just for you.

  2. That dragon is sexier than the gnome! That cast thing is weird. Maybe serve placenta soup in after the birth? If it were really cheap, I might have bought it for a joke for my pregnant co-worker.

    1. You don't know how many times I've been tempted to buy something horrible, just as a joke.

      And ain't *nobody* sexier than Sexy Gnome!

  3. What the hell thrift stores are you going to that there are such frightening statues???

    1. All of them! Seriously, every single Goodwill/Salvation Army/Whatever has a wide selection of WTF. And these aren't even the worst of them! I'll have to look through my phone and see what other pictures I can find.

  4. Ha ha! I love sexy gnome and his wood! And the dragon makes one wonder where and why and how and....I love all the "What the-" things you discovered.

    1. The nine-year-old in me LOL'ed at "sexy gnome and his wood." And yeah, that dragon has me puzzled: yardwork? Really?
      Luckily, there's PLENTY more WTF stuff out there. And I see it as my sworn duty to report on it.
